Congress Presentations, Online Panels and Other Scientific and Academic Activities
– Muller, F. (2024). Foucault, el Biopoder y la Clínica Psicoanalítica: ¿senderos qué se bifurcan o puntos de encuentro? (Foucault, Biopower and Clinical Psychoanalysis: Diverging Paths or Points of Convergence?) Mesas en Dialogo. Con Canteros Jorge & Cabral, Alberto. En Congreso Argentino de Psicoanálisis, Mendoza, Argentina. From May 22nd to 24th.
– Muller, F. (2024). Problemas de la verdad en el psicoanálisis (Problems of Truth in Psychoanalysis). Trabajo individual. En Congreso Argentino de Psicoanálisis, Mendoza, Argentina. From May 22nd to 24th.
– Muller, F. (2023). Una acercamiento al problema de la verdad en psicoanálisis. Presentación en Mesa “Cuestiones epistémicas, históricas y filosóficas en torno al problema de la verdad en psicoanálisis”. En I Congreso Internacional de Psicología. A cuarenta años de la recuperación democrática en Argentina. Organizado por: Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, en Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de la Plata. From November 15th to 17th.
– Muller, F., Bermejo, F. & Atilio, M. M. (2020). Estudio de viñetas clínicas de pacientes, según el diagnóstico y la escuela psicoanalítica en las publicaciones psicoanalíticas (Study of clinical vignettes, acordong to diagnosis and psychoanalytic school in psychoanalytic publications). En: Memorias – XII Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología – XXVII Jornadas de Investigación – XVI Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR – II Encuentro de Investigación de Terapia Ocupacional – II Encuentro de Musicoterapia. Psicología Clínica. Tomo 3 (p. 195). Ediciones de la Facultad de Psicología – Universidad de Buenos Aires. ISSN: 1667-6750
– Muller, F., Bermejo, F. & Atilio, M. M. (2019). Estudio de transcripciones de sueños de pacientes, según el diagnóstico y la escuela psicoanalítica en las publicaciones psicoanalíticas (Study of dream transcripts according to diagnosis and psychoabalytic schools in psychoanalytic publications). En: Memorias – XI Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología – XXVI Jornadas de Investigación – Quinceavo Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR – I Encuentro de Investigación de Terapia Ocupacional – I Encuentro de Musicoterapia. Psicología Clínica. Tomo 3 (p. 216). Ediciones de la Facultad de Psicología – Universidad de Buenos Aires. ISSN: 1667-6750
– Muller, F. (2018). El problema de la verdad en el psicoanálisis: Un punto de partida. En XI Congreso Argentino de Psicoanálisis. Escenarios del Psicoanálisis. From May 24th to 26th, Córdoba, Argentina.
– Bermejo, F., Rosenbaum, K. & Muller, F. (2018). El rol predictor de la empatía sobre la deshonestidad académica en la adultez emergente. En: Memorias – X Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología – XXV Jornadas de Investigación – Catorceavo Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR. Psicología del Desarrollo y Etapas de la Vida. Tomo 4 (p. 98). Ediciones de la Facultad de Psicología – Universidad de Buenos Aires. ISSN: 1667-6750.
– Muller, F., Bermejo, F. & Yomha Cevasco, J. (2018). Actores de la memoria colectiva de la crisis de 2001 en Argentina. En: Memorias – X Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología – XXV Jornadas de Investigación – Catorceavo Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR. Psicología Social. Tomo 2 (p. 131). Ediciones de la Facultad de Psicología – Universidad de Buenos Aires. ISSN: 1667-6750.
– Bermejo, F., Rosenbaum, K. & Muller, F. (2017). Identidad moral y deshonestidad académica en la adultez emergente: un estudio empírico. En: Memorias – IX Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología – XXIV Jornadas de Investigación – Treceavo Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR. Psicología del Desarrollo. Tomo 3 (p. 123). Ediciones de la Facultad de Psicología – Universidad de Buenos Aires. ISSN: 1667-6750.
– Muller, F., Bermejo, F. & Yomha Cevasco, J. (2017). Temas de la memoria colectiva de la crisis económica de 2001 en Argentina. En: Memorias – IX Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología – XXIV Jornadas de Investigación – Treceavo Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR. Psicología Social, Política y Comunitaria. Tomo 1 (p. 373). Ediciones de la Facultad de Psicología – Universidad de Buenos Aires. ISSN: 1667-6750.
– “Parrhesia and True Speech: Notes to Think the Question of Psychoanalysis and Spirituality”. At the X Argentine Congress of Psychoanalysis, May 25 to 28, 2016, at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
– “Clinical Cases in Psychoanalysis: Study of transcripts of the patients´discourse according to diagnosis and psychoanalytic school”. At the VIII International Congress of Research and Professional Practices in Psychology. XXIII Conference on Research in Psychology. XII Meeting of Research in Psychology of Mercosur. From November 23 to 26, 2016, at the Faculty of Psychology of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. With Mariana Fuxxman.
– “The Lived Semantic and Semantic Distinction Distinction in the Collective Memory of the Argentine Crisis of 2001”, at ICOM6 (International Conference on Memory 6), from 17 to 22 July 2016, in Budapest, Hungary. With Federico Bermejo.
Felipe Muller
– “The subject and research in psychology”. Plenary Presentation “Current state and perspectives of research in psychology”. At the First National Congress of Psychology, May 2015, at the Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina.
– “Realities and fictions in psychoanalytic research: Epistomological and methodological debates”. Presentator, with Analía Wald and Silvia Acosta. At the XXX Latin American Congress of Psychoanalysis (FEPAL), Realities and Fictions, from September 3 to 6, 2014, in Buenos Aires.
– Participant at Semi-plenary “Pre-publushied articles: Dialogue with Julio Moreno and Luis Fernando Orduz”. Coordinator, Leopoldo Nosek. At the XXX Latin American Congress of Psychoanalysis (FEPAL), Realities and Fictions, from September 3 to 6, 2014, in Buenos Aires.
“The construction of reality: between narrative and fiction. Some psychoanbalytic reflections on “The Hunt” film. Participant, with Jorge Catelli, Teresa Zaeferer, Veronica Sanchez, Gabriela Schiavello. At the XXX Latin American Congress of Psychoanalysis (FEPAL), Realities and Fictions, from September 3 to 6, 2014, in Buenos Aires.
– “The Psychotherapists in Buenos Aires (2012): Theoretical Orientation and Clinical Practice”, at the World Congress of Mental Health, organized by the World Federation for Mental Health, from August 25 to 28, 2013, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. With Carolina Palavezzatti.
– “Sartre and Lacan: reflections on the notions of conscience and subject”. At the XIV Argentine Meeting of History of Psychiatry, Psychology and Psychoanalysis, on October 18 and 19, 2013, in San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. With Diego Tolini.
– “Dimensions of the collective memory and the lived and historical memories” at the IV International Congress of Research and Professional Practice in Psychology, XIX Conference of Research, VIII Meeting of Researchers in Psychology of Mercosur, from November 27 to 30, 2012, in The Faculty of Psychology of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. With Federico Bermejo.
– “Theory and Clinical Practice in the Hospitals of the City of Buenos Aires” at the IV International Congress of Research and Professional Practice in Psychology, XIX Conference of Research, VIII Meeting of Researchers in Psychology of Mercosur, November 27 to 30, 2012, at the Faculty of Psychology of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. With Carolina Palavezzatti.
– “The collective memory and the contribution of the lived and historical memories in its conformation”, at the I Ibero-American Congress of Political Psychology, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, from August 1 to 4, 2012, in Lima, Peru. With Federico Bermejo.
– “Psychotherapy and theoretical models in the public hospitals of the City of Buenos Aires”, at the X Congress of the Latin American Chapter of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), on October 25 and 26, 2012, in the City of Buenos Aires Aires. With Carolina Palavezzatti.
– “Lived and historical memories and collective memory. (The Argentinean chapter), “at the III International Congress of Research and Professional Practice in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Universidad de Buenos Aires, from November 22 to 25, 2011, in the City of Buenos Aires. With Federico Bermejo.
– “Conversational memory: The effect of the discourse marker ‘after’ on the understanding of topic changes”. At the III International Congress of Research and Professional Practice in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Universidad de Buenos Aires, from November 22 to 25, 2011, in the City of Buenos Aires. With Jasmín Cevasco.
– “Intersubjectivity and its forms: uses of the notion of intersubjectivity in contemporary psychoanalysis”, at the XXVIII Latin American Congress of Psychoanalysis (FEPAL). In Bogota, Colombia, September 2010.
– “Recognition in psychoanalysis”, at the VIII Argentine Congress of Psychoanalysis. In Rosario, Santa Fe, May 2010.
– “Narrators emerging from a group recovery and its effectiveness in the development of shared memories.” At the XII National Meeting and the First International Meeting of the Argentine Association of Behavioral Sciences (AACC). At Universidad Católica Argentina, on August 27, 28 and 29, 2009, Buenos Aires. With Rosario Camarada.
– “The Storytellers and their Participation in the Formation of Collective Memories.” At the XVI Conference of Research and Fifth Meeting of Researchers in Psychology of Mercosur, Faculty of Psychology, Universidad de Buenos Aires, August 6, 7 and 8, 2009. With Rosario Camarada.
– “The role of causal connectivity and the source of the utterances heard in conversational memory”. At the XVI Conference of Research and Fifth Meeting of Researchers in Psychology of Mercosur, Faculty of Psychology, Universidad de Buenos Aires, August 6, 7 and 8, 2009. With Jazmín Yomha Cevasco.
– “The effect of causal connectivity and conversational role in the formation of social memory”. At the XV Research Days and Fourth Meeting of Researchers in Psychology of Mercosur. Current Problems. Contributions of the Research in Psychology. In Buenbos Aires, at the Faculty of Psychology, Universidad de Buenos Aires, November 7, 8 and 9, 2008. With Jazmín Yomha Cevasco.
– “Levels of resistance and discussion in the context of shared memories”. At the XV Research Days and Fourth Meeting of Researchers in Psychology of Mercosur. Current Problems. Contributions of the Research in Psychology. In Buenos Airews, at the Faculty of Psychology, Universidad de Buenos Aires, August 7, 8 and 9, 2008.
– “Intersubjectivity and the origins of the interest for the person of the analyst”. At the Psychoanalytic Congress of the Latin American Federetion (FEPAL). In Santiago, Chile, on 25, 26, and 27 of September, 2008.
– “Forms of Recognition in Psychoanalysis”. At the 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference of the Research Department of the Universidad de Belgrano: Recognition and Subjectivity – Perspectives in Dialogue. In Buenos Aires, October 9, 2007
– “Complementary Information and Discussions as Factors of Resistance in the Formation of Collective Memory”. At the XI National Meeting of the Argentine Association of Behavioral Sciences (AACC), in Mendoza, Argentina, the 6 to 8 of September of 2007. With Barreyro, J.P. and Borzi, R.
– “Discussion as a Factor of Resistance in the Formation of Collective Memories”. At the XII Argentine Congress of Psychology: Public Commitment of Psychology Today. In San Luis, Argentina, 23, 24 and 25 of August of 2007. With Barreyro, J.P and Borzi, R
– “Displacements in Contemporary Psychoanalysis”. At the XII Argentine Congress of Psychology: Public Commitment of Psychology Today. In San Luis, Argentina, 23, 24 and 25 of August of 2007.
– “Psychotherapy in Argentina: Theoretical orientation and clinical practice”. At the XIV Research Days and Third Meeting of Researchers in Psychology of Mercosur: Research in Psychology, its Relation with Professional Practice and Teaching. At the Faculty of Psychology, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 9 to 11 of August 2007. With Borzi, R.
– “Integrating psychotherapists of Argentina”. Muller, F., Barreyro, J.P., Oberholzer, N., Zammitto, V., and Borzi, R. In Buenos Aires, II Argentine Congress of Mental Health. 2nd Inter-American Meeting on Mental Health. Organized by the World Federation for Mental Health and the Argentine Association of Mental Health Professionals. March 22, 23 and 24, 2007.
– “Resistance in imposition in the formation of collective memory”. Muller, Oberholzer, Zammitto, Iglesias & Hirst (2006). In Buenos Aires, XIII Research Days. Second Meeting of Researchers in Psychology of Mercosur: Paradigms, Methods and Techniques. 10, 11 and 12 August 2006.
– “Resistance and the formation of collective memory”. In San Diego, California. Organized by the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, 2005. With Hirst, W.
– “Resistance and the formation of collective memory”. In Wuburg, Germany. Organized by the European Society of Social Psychology, 2005. With Hirst, W.
– “The Dialogical Self and Contemporary Psychoanalysis” at the IV World Congress of Psychotherapy, “Psychotherapy: A bridge between cultures”, August 27-30, 2005 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
– “Theoretical Models and Practical Psychotherapy in Argentina” at the IV World Congress of Psychotherapy, “Psychotherapy: A bridge between cultures”, August 27-30, 2005 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
– “Psychotherapy in Argentina: Theoretical Models and Clinical Practice” at the VI Regional Congress of South American Research in Psychotherapy, “What’s new in research in psychotherapy?”(SPR), October 29-30, 2004 , in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Other Scientific Activities:
– Commentary on Carlos Basch´s papper, “Psychoanalytic technique: listening to untimely of a language that plays” at Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina, 2016.
– Introducer to the debate at the panel “Is psychoanalysis a spiritual exercise? From knowing yourself to parrhesia: Reflections on the clinic from Freud, Lacan, Foucault “, at Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina, 2015.
– Online Panel “Relational Freedom and Therapuetic Action” (Donnel Stern). Panelist, with Susi Federici-Nebbiosi, Jack Foehl, Horma Guralnik, Rina Lazar, Tessa Phillips, Paul Renn, Cleonie White. Moderators: Alejandro Avila Espada and Steven Knoblauch. Organized by The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP). November 10 to 23, 2014.
– Panel “What is Political Art?. Panelist, with Margarita Palacios, Livia Marin and Charles Gaines. Hosted by Martin Plot. At the West Hollywood Aesthetics and Politics lecture series, organized by the M.A. program, Cal Arts. At West Hollo), el 31 de Enero de 2014 en West Hollywood Public Library. With, and Felipe Muller; hosted by Martín Plot.
– Online Panel “The Meanings and Uses of Countertransference: South American Contributions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis”. Panelist, withTony Bass, Sharon Ziv-Beiman, Jessica Benjamin, Lisa Cataldo, Beatriz de León de Bernardi, Steven Knoblauch, Stephen Seligman, Felipe Muller, Donald L. Carveth, Steven Tublin and Frank Summers. Moderators: Galit Atlas and Steven Kuchuck. Organized by The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP). September 23 to October 6, 2013.
– Guest Professor at the Seminar “Contemporary problems and review of fundamental concepts of Psychoanalysis for a contemporary clinic” for the Program between the Postgraduate Division of the Faculty of Psychology of the Universidad de Buenos Aires and the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association, 2014
– Reading of Monograph “The question of meaning in Freud” at the Angel Garma Institute of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association, December 2013.
– Comment to Abel Fainstein´s M.A. thesis “Institución psicoanalítica. Especificidad. Obstáculos. Políticas. Una experiencia institucional”, at Asociacion Psicoanalítica Argentina, Octubre de 2013.
– Presentation “Intersubjectivism and the subjectivity of the analyst”, at Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina, May 2012.
– Dialogue Introducer for Clinical Case: “What are we talking when we talk about neutrality?”. At the X Institutional Scientific Meeting: the analyst as instrument of his or her practice. August, 2011.
– Invited at Espacio de Avances y aperturas en los abordajes clínicos. Reflexiones sobre las ideas de Hugo Bleichmar. Title presentation “The concept of intersubjetivity in Psychoanalysis”. At the Argentina Psychoanalytic Association, 2009.
– Presentation at Space for Continuing Education. Title presentation “Psychoanalysis in the United States: Intersubjetivism”. At the Argentine Psychoanalytic Education, 2009.
– Title Presentation “Acting and Behaving in Human Relationships”. At Facultad de Humanidades of the Universidad de Belgrano. August, 2007.
– Title Presentation “Kohut and Narcissistic Disorders.” Invited at Seminar Psychoanalysis II at Universidad de Belgrano, August, 2005.
– Title Presentation “Narratives and Change in Psychoanalysis.” At Facultad de Humanidades of the Universidad de Belgrano, May, 2004.
– Title Presentation “New Developments in Psychoanalysis”. At Facultad de Humanidades of the Universidad de Belgrano, May, 2004.
– Title Presentation “Authenticity and the Concept of Mental Health”. At the Facultad de Humanidades of the Universidad de Belgrano, May, 2004.
– Title Presentation “Contemporary Psychoanalytic Technique”. Invited at Seminar Psychotherapy Methods and Techniques at Facultad de Psicología of the Universidad del Salvador (USAL), September, 2002.
– Title Presentation “Narratives and Change in Psychoanalysis”. At Facultad de Humanidades of the of the Universidad de Belgrano, August, 2002.
– Ttile Presentation “Contemporary approaches to the study of the Self”. At Facultad de Humanidades of the Universidad de Belgrano. August, 2002.
– Title Presentation “Relational Aspectos of the Self”. At Facultad de Humanidades of the Univeridad de Belgrano. August, 2002.
– Title Presentation “Psychopathology of Action and Public Space”. At Facultad de Humanidades of the Univeridad de Belgrano. August, 2002.
– Title Presentation “Two Procceses involved in the construction of the Self as Concept”. Dos Procesos Involucrados en la Construcción del Self como Concepto”. At Facultad de Humanidades of the Univeridad de Belgrano. February, 2002.
– Title Presentation “The Intersubjetive Unconscious”. At paner discussion “The Freudian Unconscious and the Cognitive Unconscious” with Dr. Minervino, Lic. Adrover, y Lic. Adriana Rubinstein. At Facultad de Humanidades of the Univeridad de Belgrano. September, 2001.
– Lecture on “Proceses involved in the construction of the Self”. Guest Scholar at Galatin School of Individual Studies of the New York University (NYU).. October, 2000.
To arrange a first interview, you can either call or Whatsapp me at (54 9 11) 5840-3003 or fill out the Appointment Request Form below and I will get back to you. Also, I’ll be glad to discuss my fees and other practical terms of my services.
I look forward to meeting you and working together.