TheBubble, A Psychoanalyst and The City


Diario La Nación, Un espacio para la verdad. (A space for Truth)


Infobae. Ansiedad 2.0. El mal del siglo XXI (Anxiety 2.0. The evil of the 21st century).


Diario Pagina 12. El descuido de la memoria cotidiana. (Neglecting everyday memory)


Diario La Nación. En la Argentina, el psicoanálisis goza de muy buena salud (In Argentina, psychoanalysis is in good health)




To arrange a first interview, you can either call or Whatsapp me at (54 9 11) 5840-3003 or fill out the Appointment Request Form below and I will get back to you. Also, I’ll be glad to discuss my fees and other practical terms of my services.

I look forward to meeting you and working together.

Felipe Muller, Ph.D. Bilingual Psychologist
(54 9 11) 5840-3003
Office in Recoleta
City of Buenos Aires, Argentina